
Moss Landing, California
Type of Organization
Animal Welfare
Rescue and Education
Services Provided
Anti-Cruelty and Animal Rescue
Their Work

While there are wildlife rehabilitation facilities dedicated to providing specialized care necessary for their patients to be returned to the wild, very few provide 24-hour emergency assistance over the phone – even fewer have the resources to send rescuers into the field. WildRescue focuses on the pervasive issues faced by wildlife casualties and the caring people who find, them through innovative programs that promote optimum care of sick, injured, and orphaned native wildlife.

In the absence of someone who can correctly identify a species, evaluate an animal’s condition, administer first aid, and provide transport, countless lives are lost. With her extensive background in wildlife rescue and rehabilitation, Project Director Rebecca Dmytryk organized WildRescue in 2000 to concentrate on the problems associated with the rescue and transport of critically injured native wildlife. Rebecca and her husband, Duane Titus, and their tireless team of volunteers at WildRescue are committed to improving the way debilitated wild animals are treated and setting standards of practice in wildlife emergency response to ensure wild animals receive proficient attention and a second chance.

During the Deepwater Horizon spill response WildRescue observed that most of the field (rescue) wildlife responders had little to no prior training and/or experience in rescuing oiled wildlife. They had little knowledge of how to safely capture, stabilization, and transport.  Animals were injured because of this. Unfortunately, due to the politics, there was little WildRescue could do. However they are now taking action to prevent this from happening again and the grant from SPCAI will definitely help achieve those goals, which are:

1) Produce a 4-hour (minimum) powerpoint presentation on oiled wildlife response specific to the Gulf Coast.   The basis is already completed – see our presentation on oiled wildlife here: http://www.wildrescue.org/Training.html  With the Emergency Grant they will be able to expand on this work to prepare responders for issues specific to the Gulf of Mexico, mostly related to the unique environment. They will then be able to offer this to organizations and agencies who respond in the Gulf region.

2) Moving forward with plans to establish a state-of-the-art oiled wildlife rehabilitation center in Louisiana. Wild Rescue organized the Gulf Coast Wildlife Center and they are currently working of establishing further interest to fully fund the project. For more information please visit: http://www.gcwildlifecenter.org/

Additional Info and Website

Wild Rescue is a project of EarthWays Foundation in Malibu, California. Through this relationship, we receive our 501(c)(3) charitable status.
You can donate to this organization via check:

Please make checks payable to
P.O. Box 65
Moss Landing CA 95039

..or through Paypal:
