U.S. troops stationed all over the world befriend local animals as a way to help cope with the emotional hardships they endure every day while deployed far away from home. But our service members put themselves at risk by caring for local animals because feeding and befriending them is against Military General Order 1-A.
Many commanding officers look the other way and allow these rules to be bent, but others turn the animals out, sentencing them to sure death and inflicting incalculable mental harm on the military service members who had bonded with them.
“SPCA International has heard firsthand about dogs turned out on the streets or brutally killed in an effort to enforce General Order 1-A.”

We understand the benefits these rescued animals provide to our troops in the field. These furry friends not only help our heroes cope while stationed outside the U.S., but continue to be of service as our service members readjust to life back home.
During the Iraq War, SPCA International established “Operation Baghdad Pups” to reunite beloved pets with their service men and women back in the U.S. Since it’s inception the program has helped hundreds of service members reunite with their animal companions back home.