Type of Organization
Their Work
The Clark County Humane Association is an independent, non-profit, no kill animal shelter serving Clark County, Indiana and the surrounding area. Officially in existence since 1958 (but in fact for a few decades before that), it has a proven track record of finding loving homes for the animals in its care.
The current director has been involved with the organization for 20 years. Until about 8 years ago, the Humane Association existed as a foster network; the foster families housed and cared for the homeless pets as the volunteers worked to find permanent homes. In 2002, the dedicated team of volunteers finally had enough funds to purchase and fix up a house on a half acre of land. This is how the organization came by its unusual shelter facility: a large ranch-style house. The side porch and two upstairs bedrooms are the designated “cat rooms,” where the feline guests live uncaged and in remarkable harmony. The kitchen and dining area were roughly converted into an area for the small dogs, again uncaged. There is a “big dog” room as well, in dire need of repair after several rambunctious canines have done their worst with the linoleum, walls, etc. This is the room that SPCAI’s Shelter of the Week grant will help to renovate.
The Humane Association currently cares for 70-80 cats, many of which were left anonymously on the doorstep of the shelter house. The house is also temporarily home to about 12 dogs (the maximum permitted by county regulations).
SPCA International is proud to honor this program for its long-standing commitment to the animals of Clark County and its environs.
Additional Info and Website
You can donate to this organization by sending a check to:
Humane Association of Clark County
2702 Middle Road
Jeffersonville, IN 47130
Web site